Getting Engaged with Romance Diamond

Since 1996, beloved Fayetteville jeweler Romance Diamond Co. has played a big role in many Arkansas engagements. We asked co-founder and bridal consultant Brittany Brosh Adair to share more about engagement ring shopping at their Dickson Street showroom.

Describe the ring buying experience at Romance:

“We work very hard to help guests find or create the perfect engagement ring. Our sales staff is GIA and AGS trained. We make the experience special for every guest by serving them with the highest quality of product and service in the industry.”

You’re known for custom rings. What makes your design experience so special?

“When I am making a custom ring, I want to find out as many defining details about the piece as possible. Pictures and drawings help. From there, I can explain to the customer what is possible (and what may not be), what things cost and what the timeframe may look like. We keep [very close contact] with the customer throughout the process to make sure that things are done perfectly. We offer CAD designs and wax models throughout the process to ensure the ring is made properly. We do most of the work in our store, and we can complete most orders in three to four weeks.”

What do you love most about helping couples get engaged?

“Sharing the experience of the occasion and helping people create the perfect ring… I’ve been invited to a couple weddings — those were very memorable engagements.”

The Romance bride is…

“Educated, local, lovely”

$7,000 – Average cost of engagement rings carried/sold
300 – Est. number of engagement rings and wedding bands in stock

248 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville | (479) 443-9289 |

Get to know more about the businesses that bring Arkansas brides their sparkling baubles and dreamy dresses and meet the incredible people behind the scenes in Behind the Veil.

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