Clean and Preserve Your Gown with ARgown Preservation

Choosing where to clean and care for your one-of-a-kind wedding dress is an important decision. ARgown Preservation is one of the only businesses in the state that focuses solely on this service. Mila Martin and her husband have 15 years of experience preserving and cleaning wedding dresses, and she says they absolutely love what they do.

“They are looking at preserving the dress they probably dreamed of for a long time,” she says. “Preserving it means they are looking forward to a happy future. And that is the most satisfying part of my job; I love it!”

Wedding dress cleaning starts at $150, while cleaning and preservation starts at $300. These rates go up depending on the style, material and soilage. In addition to wedding dresses, ARgown Preservation handles veils, vintage clothing, heirlooms and much more. They also offer a courier service to any customers outside of northwest Arkansas, where they are based.

Mila’s Top 3 Reasons to Preserve Your Gown

1. Your dress represents the most special moment of your life.

2. It’s something you can pass down to the next generation.

3. Preserving your dress protects it from yellowing, mold, mildew and brown oxidation spots forever.


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