Wedding Announcement: Nicole Pederson & Cody Bandy in Eureka Springs

Cody Bandy and Nicole Pederson were married Aug. 10, 2013 at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs. Best of luck to them!

Here is their story:

Cody, my husband, proposed to me in Phillipsburg, St. Maarten while we were on vacation. Basically, we wandered into a jewelry store while shopping and when I pointed out a ring I liked and he said, “If I buy it for you, will you say, ‘Yes’ ?” I know, so very romantic, but I’m not really big on sappy, romantic-type situations.  It was still just as perfect to me as some girls who are proposed to on a beach in the sunset. [When] we got home, [we] decided to just go ahead and get the ball rolling on the wedding! Neither of us like to be the center of attention, so we decided on a small ceremony.  I was determined to still have a beautiful wedding, even though it was very small and last-minute.

Michele Graves Photography took these shots.

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