Cody Bandy and Nicole Pederson were married Aug. 10, 2013 at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs. Best of luck to them!
Here is their story:
Cody, my husband, proposed to me in Phillipsburg, St. Maarten while we were on vacation. Basically, we wandered into a jewelry store while shopping and when I pointed out a ring I liked and he said, “If I buy it for you, will you say, ‘Yes’ ?” I know, so very romantic, but I’m not really big on sappy, romantic-type situations. It was still just as perfect to me as some girls who are proposed to on a beach in the sunset. [When] we got home, [we] decided to just go ahead and get the ball rolling on the wedding! Neither of us like to be the center of attention, so we decided on a small ceremony. I was determined to still have a beautiful wedding, even though it was very small and last-minute.
Michele Graves Photography took these shots.