Website Offers Incentives to Help Brides Lose Weight

Every bride wants to look her best and most beautiful on her wedding day, and for some brides this means dropping a few extra pounds. This isn’t the case for every bride, of course, but for many, dropping a few pounds pre-wedding is something we put all of our blood, sweat and tears into achieving.

But trying to lose weight alone is a long, lonely, bumpy road. That’s where the new website comes in.

On, brides (and anyone else, for that matter) can sign up with a weight loss or other fitness goal in mind, set a goal completion date, build a rally of supporters to help you reach your goal, and choose an incentive or prize to nab once the goal is reached. Not only will brides reap the rewards of better health, but they can also rake in more tangible prizes, like cash.

The key to making it all work is building up your “rally,” a group of friends and/or family who will pledge money and support to help you achieve your chosen reward. makes that easy, too, by allowing you to build your rally with Facebook friends and with the e-mail addresses of those who don’t have Facebook (who doesn’t, though?). According to the website, those wanting to reach a goal are three times more likely to do so with HealthRally than alone.

Oh, and here’s a really important detail: says they’ll never post your information on Facebook. That’s good news for those of us whose worst fears include our weight being sent out as a Facebook status update to all of our friends!

Some of the most commonly chosen prizes include cash, new outfits, cameras, iPads, bikes and donations to a charity of your choice. Brides can even choose a cruise, which could technically double as a honeymoon. How awesome is that?

P.S.: If weight loss isn’t on your agenda, there are other goals you can shoot for, too, like quitting smoking or running a 5K. The options are really endless.

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