Video: Arkansas Bride Reveals Ways to Reduce Wedding Stress on Today’s THV

Arkansas Bride editor Lindsay Irvin has three easy steps that will help you reduce the stress when planning your big day.

1) Take your time; only make one or two big decisions a month.

2) Accept help. Put your bridesmaids and talented friends and family to work. They’re happy to help and will lighten your wedding planning load.

3) Prioritize your budget. Be sure to consider each detail carefully. If you won’t remember it in 5 to 10 years, you probably shouldn’t spend the money on it. Save that money it put it toward something more important, like great wedding photography.

4) Compromise. Don’t be a bridezilla. Let your groom have a say on some things. It’s his day too, afterall.

5) Remember that this is supposed to be a happy time. If you’re not happy or are super stressed out – you’re doing something wrong. Relax and enjoy this amazing, (should be) once-only time in your life!


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