We are so enjoying the newest trend in wedding gowns—buying a dress that’s perfectly you. What we mean by this is that designers are finally making gowns fit for any personality. No longer are they — or brides — stuck in a “strapless-gown rut,” if you will.
And thank goodness!
Although we love a good-fitting strapless gown, too often we see brides forcing themselves to choose a “traditional” strapless wedding dress because they believe it’s the “bridal thing to do” or because the wedding they’ve been picturing in their heads has them in a strapless princess poof, and they just can’t seem to get away from that nightmare, er, dream (we kid, we kid!).
Again, not knocking strapless gowns. They’re lovely. What we’re more for, however, are gowns that compliment your body and are unique to you! If that’s a strapless, then go for it, girl!
But if you’re like us (you know, with a few insecurities about underarm and back bulges when wearing strapless dresses), you know strapless just isn’t going to have you looking your best — or feeling your most confident and beautiful — on your wedding day. And isn’t that the one day you want to feel both of those things the most?!
Beyond the fit, we love when brides shirk tradition and opt for a gown that is more fitting of who they are as a person. Glam goddess, hopeless romantic, modernist, traditionalist, retro, ethereal nymph … you know who you are!
We hear from photographers all the time just how bored they are shooting strapless gowns. So, it’s time to shock and awe! Here are our top 25 picks for best non-strapless gowns. Maybe you’ll be inspired by one of these and find a non-strapless gown that’s right for you!