Arkansas Wedding Advice from a Real Newlywed: Do Pets Prepare You for Kids?

Meet our child, Beau. Well, child with fur that is. Yes, this almost 2-year-old Golden Retriever is the closest thing to a kid that Frazier and I can claim. 

Of course, we have all heard that before you have a baby, you should get a pet in order to hone your parenting skills. I don’t know if that has been the case with us though. I mean what child can you leave alone for 24 hours straight?! Plus, Frazier and I are definitely both dog lovers, and we mainly just wanted a dog to love on and possibly train for hunting.

Yet, Beau has brought out somewhat of a parental side in me perhaps. Let’s see…I love to talk about him and show pictures. I make sure he take his medication. I get very protective of him when other dogs are mean.  I punish him when he tears up my socks. Yeah, yeah I know. I can hear parents everywhere laughing hysterically right now!

If you are thinking of getting your own pet, I would say go for it! A study from the University of Buffalo revealed that pets add enjoyment and happiness to couples’ relationships. It also said they “have closer relationships, are more satisfied in marriage, and respond better to stress than couples who do not.”

What do y’all think?

  • Do you think pets can prepare you for parenting?
  • Do you believe they add happiness to your relationship?
  • Do you think your pets have helped you react better to stress as a couple?

Deborah Edwards, a recent newlywed bride from Little Rock, is an account executive for our sister publication Little Rock Family. She chronicles settling into married life, buying a house, nesting in said house and all the in between for our blog, and on her own at Edwards Newlywed Nest. Email her ideas for blogs and questions at

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