Arkansas Wedding Advice from a Real Newlywed: One Website, Tons of Date Ideas

Just a quick post since we have been so busy unpacking in our new house! I cannot take credit for finding this cute and fun website: ICTOAD. A friend on Facebook made a post about it, and it stands for “I Can’t Think Of A Date.” You go to the website and pick a category for the type of date. You can also pick the price and duration. It isn’t specific to a certain area of the country or zip code either.  SUCH a great resource for thinking of fun things to do with your significant other!!  


Share your fun date nights or date ideas with Arkansas Bride at or comment below!

Deborah Edwards, a recent newlywed bride from Little Rock, is an account executive for our sister publication Little Rock Family. She will chronicle the exciting days of settling into married life, buying a house, nesting in said house and all the in between. Read more about her adventures as a wifey on her personal blog, Edwards Newlywed Nest


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