Pre-Wedding Planning Drama? Drink this Natural Stress Reliever

On one particularly busy week here at Arkansas Bride, we happened to get a press package with a four-pack of Just Chill, an all-natural drink (in a can like a Red Bull) that’s supposed to help you relax and reduce stress.

We thought we’d give it a try and see if it would be something that brides-to-be should drink on a day when the planning gets especially stressful or the wedding jitters are too much to take (but too minimal to require a Valium from your mother’s purse).

Here’s what we thought:

Lindsay I., editor: “I really think this works. It was a refreshing drink with a great taste and it had a slow, subtle calming affect on me. It wasn’t like an instant impact that you really noticed, but 30 miinutes later I caught myself in a calmer state and remember thinking, ‘Wow, I think it really worked.'”

Amanda H., associate editor: “The flavor tasted grapefruity with just the right amount of sweetness. I don’t know if it was the placebo effect or not, but I think it kept me together for the rest of the day. I drank it after a stressful meeting that had made me anxious, and I did feel totally ‘chilled.'”

Click here for the ingredients.

Brides, if you’re interested in a non-Rx and non-alcoholic way to destress, give this a try. Or you can always try one of the many spas or salons in Arkansas. 

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