Raise your hand if you’ve ever hired someone just because they were the first business to appear in Google search or in the “A” section of the phone book? We all have. And we’ve all been burned for doing so (it’s okay to admit it). But we’ve learned our lesson, right?
Even if you can’t relate, know that it’s a mistake you definitely don’t want to make in your wedding plans. The wrong vendor could ruin your entire wedding (que memory of my photographer losing the pictures he took of my husband and his groomsmen on our wedding day…grr…I can’t even go there…It still upsets me three years later).
Take it from me, you want to use vendors who come highly recommended, not those who come out of the woodwork with little to no experience in the wedding industry. That said, there are many amazing vendors who haven’t been in the biz all that long, but are already more reputable than some wedding pros who’ve been around for ages. That means it’s all about reseach and reputation.
To make your search for these reputable vendors easier, we’ve spotlighted preferred Arkansas wedding vendors on our homepage (see screenshot of this above). It’s now easier than ever before to find vendors who come highly recommended from your peers, or who we’ve done businesses with for years. We only work with reliable, quality wedding pros. So, take a look, and see if one of our preferred vendors is right for you!
Also, PLEASE send us feedback on the vendors you, your friends or your family members have worked with. We want to know who the best of the best are, and we want to know who has let you down or underperformed. Of course, we don’t want you blasting businesses on our blog or on our Facebook, but send your insider knowledge to us at Info@ArkansasBride.com. We’ll take your feedback into consideration when updating our lists.
Thanks for your help! Now, go, search, and find a preferred vendor that’s right for you!
Editor, Arkansas Bride