North Little Rock Engagement: Jennifer Williams & Spencer Ragsdale

North Little Rock residents Jennifer Williams and Spencer Ragsdale will tie the knot on New Year’s Eve this year at Loft 1023 in Little Rock.

Check out these beautiful photos by Drew Cason Photography and read their sweet engagement story as told by Jennifer:

Spencer and I made a New Year Resolution in 2012 to have one date night a week. We were taking the time we spent together for granted and wanted to make sure we carved away time to spend simply enjoying the other one. The last week of 2012 fell on Spencer’s planning week. He told me he wanted to make our last date night special, especially since few people thought we would actually be able to finish the resolution. He planned a secret getaway to celebrate the New Year last year. As suspicious as a New Year getaway may sound now, it wasn’t uncommon that we keep the date event a secret to surprise the other one– we both did this many times throughout the year.
My surprise was Eureka Springs, one of our favorite local getaway spots. We had brunch at the haunted Crescent Hotel and then decided to do some exploring around the grounds. As we approached a beautiful cathedral, Spencer began to “jibber jabber” about how much he enjoyed our year of date nights and he wanted to spend a life of date nights with me, but I didn’t realize what exactly was happening until he started to remove my winter glove off of the wrong hand! He got on his knee, asked me to marry him, and slipped the ring on my right ring finger. I immediately answered with, “Only if you put the ring on the correct hand.” Both of our families were there to help us celebrate our engagement into 2013.

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