Interesting question posed by Jessica Zimmerman on her blog for A Southern Tradition. Here’s what she had to say:
“While mothers and grandmothers are very important and still need to be honoured with flowers, they don’t necessarily need to wear them. Every single time I make a wrist corsage I think, “Does she really want to wear this all night?”
Not everyone will agree with this, but the trend shows wrist corsages are for prom. Let the teenagers have them! We’ve got something more sophisticated for Mom.
What about pin corsages? Mothers and Grandmothers spend a lot of time and money on the perfect thing to wear. Do they really want to stick a pin through their pretty new dress?
The other trend – and the one I am loving most – is the clutch corsage! Adorning your fabulous clutch or handbag with flowers is perfection. Moms will have their purse with them most of the evening, so why not embellish it with a few fabulous flowers?”
I think the clutch corsage is an awesome and pretty idea; I would definitely opt for that over the pinned flowers or wrist corsages.
But what about you? What do you think?