Little Rock residents Kate Fletcher of New Boston, Texas and Adam Corken of Springdale are set to be wed Sept. 7 at BoBrook Farms in Roland. The bride shot us these cute engagement photos by Taylor Howard Photography, as well as their love story in Kate’s own words:
I knew a proposal was coming, but I just wasn’t sure when. Adam and I had discussed it, and being a control freak I tried to pry and learn any clues I could. On our one year anniversary, Dec. 16, I was right in the middle of law school finals. It was a Sunday and I had already finished one. Adam suggested all week that we do something special for the day and I started to get a little suspicious. I woke up that morning and went to church while Adam prepared a surprise.
When I arrived home, he was armed with a picnic basket. We drove downtown to the Arkansas River Trail. We had recently walked the River Trail at night and I told him it was one of the neatest places in Little Rock.
So we found a cozy little spot overlooking the river and Adam lays out the cliché plaid blanket for our picnic. He then pulls out two cheeseburgers from Big Orange (one of our favorite places) and some sweet potato fries (another Florken family favorite). We ate our lunch and just talked. I was starting to get suspicious but then Adam suggested we head back to the car. Suddenly, I was convinced that today was not the day and that we were on our way home.
Then, after he packed the picnic basket in the trunk, he suggested we take a little walk. I was still a little unsure but I was growing more suspicious by the moment. Adam walked me to an area that was literally a giant horseshoe shaped garden of roses. Right in the middle, he got on one knee and said:
“Kate, a year ago today, I made the best decision of my life and asked you to be my girlfriend. But today, I want to make an even better decision than that, and ask you to be my wife!”
I practically yelled at him to… “Show me the ring!” He laughed and complied. It was such a beautiful choice and I was in love with it immediately! He nervously tried to hand me the ring and I told him that he had to put it on my finger! He slipped it on and I instantly became the luckiest woman in the world!