Little Rock Engagement: Emily Middleton & Ben Williams

Little Rock residents Emily Middleton and Ben Williams are planning to tie the knot March 23, 2013 at Alda’s Magnolia Hill. Christopher Nolan Photography sent us these awesome shots and Emily’s triumphant tale:

Ben and I met in August 2002. On the first day of my freshman year and Ben’s sophomore year of high school, we ended up in the same Gifted and Talented class. As a silly high school freshman girl, I remember telling one of my friends at lunch one day “I think I’m going to start liking Ben Williams,” as if it were my choice. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Our classroom was set up to where the whole class faced the center of the room. There sat Ben and I, on opposite sides, frequently making awkward eye contact. I would catch him looking at me, he would catch me looking at him. It went on like this for a few months until I was invited to a party by one of our mutual friends. I knew “Williams” — as his friends called him — would be there, and I was eager to go and actually get to hang out with him outside the classroom. Sure enough, he showed up and we hung out for most of the night. This was just the beginning.
The next few years of high school came and went much too fast, and Ben left for college to play football, putting an hour of distance between us. The next year I left for college and our distance was multiplied even more. Many anxious five-hour drives, goodbye tears and all-night phone calls came and went. The long distance was rough but obviously worth it. He was my best friend, and I was his, and we knew we wanted to be together for a long time.

After five long years of painful long distance, we were reunited in the same town — Ben started a job in Little Rock the day before I started medical school orientation — and we were finally able to get back to seeing each other more than just once a month. Things have been more than perfect ever since, and even after nine and a half years together, we continue to find out new things about each other and love each other more with each passing day!

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