Little Rock Arkansas Engagement: Barbara Buzbee & Steven Preston

Barbara Buzbee of Little Rock and Steven Preston of New Orleans, La. are engaged to be married April 13, 2013 at Marlsgate Plantation. Congrats to both of them!

Steven and I met last July working together at Dillard’s Corporate in the eCommerce department. We started dating in December 2011, and from what I understand he told my mom he was planning to propose to me in February. He took me to his home town of New Orleans for a long weekend in June. We shopped in the the French Quarter, ate at Commander’s Palace, and then finished our trip by renting a cottage at Oak Alley Plantation with a photo session. He did his trip planning and the photographer was in on the whole thing. Oak Alley is known for couples getting engaged amongst the oak trees in front of the gorgeous plantation home. He got everything on film so that I would always have the memories of that day. It has all happened very quickly, but for two people who plan nearly everything for a living, that must mean this is really special! I am a very lucky girl.

Kleinpeter Photography, Inc. took these shots.

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