Jonesboro Engagement: Brooke + Braden

Brooke + Braden

Their families had known each other for a long time, but Brooke Beaver and Braden Reed hadn’t met until the families reconnected accidentally in the mall one day. Brooke and Braden never looked back after that day in the ninth grade, and, as of July 4, are engaged to be married! 

This sweet couple is tying the knot on Saturday, May 19, 2018, at the Little Rock Club, and we cannot wait to see the photos of their wedding day. Meanwhile, we are loving their engagement photos by Kelly Kate Photography. 

Here’s more about their story in Brooke’s words:

“This past Fourth of July, mine and Braden’s families were set to attend the traditional fish fry at Rolling Hills Country Club, as we did every year. As soon as Braden and I pulled up to the country club, my sister ran out and insisted on taking our picture before it started raining. We posed on the golf course, and as always, I had to make sure it was a good picture. When I turned back around, Braden was on one knee and asked me the easiest question I have ever answered! I immediately heard cheers and was embraced by our family and friends!”

Brooke + Braden

Brooke + Braden

Brooke + Braden

Brooke + Braden

Brooke + Braden

Brooke + Braden

Brooke + Braden

Brooke + Braden

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