I probably say this every time, but this issue is by far my favorite.
- It’s not just because we ran 12 amazing Real Weddings this issue, instead of our usual 10, each with tons of photos in print (and many bonus photos from each wedding online). Click the link above to see them.
- It’s not just because we decided to make our Wedding Cakes Spotlight a permanent member of our magazine.
- And it’s not just because we have an amazing assistant editor, Sam who researched his heart out to compile our super-helpful feature story, “What it Costs to Get Married in Arkansas.”
It’s all of the above and a lot of the below…
We really broke the mold and went all out to create a super dreamy, fairytale wedding fashion spread (complete with new and beautiful bridal jewelry spreads!). We were inspired by many neat things (like a funky/neon W Korea cover—which you can see above), so to execute, we had to assembled an incredible team of professionals to style our models, style our set (special thanks to Mitchell Crisp, whose cool sketches you can see above) and to shoot beautiful images of everything (Jason Masters, we love you!). The end result was the most whimsical, striking photo shoot we’ve ever done (at least we think so).
There’s just so much beauty in this issue, all meant to inspire you as you plan your dream wedding.
Speaking of planning, you’ll need incredible vendors. So, throughout this issue, you’ll find Arkansas wedding vendors we love—experienced professionals we trust and highly recommend. In fact, there are more than 500 vendors for you to choose from in this new issue. How’s that for planning help!?
This is seriously the most rewarding job. I love helping you plan and then later sharing the beauty from your big day within our pages. (Want to submit? Click the link for details.)
So, please do enjoy this big beautiful wedding book; you can buy a copy here. And I hope you’ll drop me a line and tell me what you think of it!
Lindsay, editor
For our fantasy-world fashion spread in our most whimsical edition yet, we let our imaginations run wild. It seemed in the spirit of spring to free ourselves from bridal-blah. And we think you should too—it’s your DREAM WEDDING after all! Beyond fashion, we filled the rest of the magazine with as many ideas and resources as possible. In fact, there are more than 160 photos from real Arkansas weddings in this issue—many of which come from our biggest Real Weddings section ever (12 weddings across 19 glossy pages)—all to inspire you!
This fashion sketch by set designer, Mitchell Crisp (left) comes to life in this gorgeous fashion photo (right) by Jason Masters for our Spring/Summer 2013 issue (aka our “Dream Wedding Issue”).
This fashion sketch by set designer, Mitchell Crisp (left) comes to life in this gorgeous fashion photo (right) by Jason Masters for our Spring/Summer 2013 issue (aka our “Dream Wedding Issue”).
Two of the things that helped inspire our new issue!
Left: W Korea, March 2012 Photographer: Hong Jang Hyun / Editor: Yoo Kyung Choi; Right: Maya Hayuk, “Friendship Bracelet No. 7” MayaHayuk.com