In the realm of gift-giving, few things are more dreaded than collecting money on a group gift. You don’t want to be the stickler who’s like, “Ok, that will be $54.37 for each of you,” but then again, you don’t want to be the one left footing the bulk of the bill.
Finally, thanks to Let’s Gift It, group gifting debaucles are over. Let’s Gift It is a convenient web service that makes social gifting simple for both groups of friends and the digital retailers from whom they’re buying the gifts. Friends can use the site’s platform to share gifts (via Facebook and Twitter) and round up contributions, while e-commerce stores can use the LGI API to embed the ability to split the cost of any item directly into their sites.
We can’t wait to try it out for our next bridal shower, baby shower or housewarming! Start your own group gift at