Fun Fitspiration: Boardwalks, Crop Tops and Mariah


There’s a BuzzFeed article floating around (isn’t there always?) that boasts a Spotify playlist of “Forgotten ‘90s Dance Jams.”

Now, Mariah Carey’s 1995 mega-hit “Fantasy” didn’t make the cut, mostly because it’s less “forgotten” and more “hasn’t-left-my-recently-played-list-in-twenty-years.”

In this iconic video, she’s running around the boardwalk, riding roller coasters, having the time of her life and looking incredible. Instead of envying just how good she looks, we’re taking it as super fun fit-spiration and pulling out our old wheels.

via YouTube

That’s right, rollerblading! It’s a killer lower body workout, no matter the terrain. Your legs probably need a reminder, so starting on a mostly flat or smooth surface is best. Once you get back into the swing of things (and you will), try something a little more challenging with an incline. Just make sure you feel comfortable and take the recommended safety precautions.

We know the song is already in your head, and we’re not even sorry. So if you’re feeling a little slow this week, ask yourself, “WWMD?”, then put on a crop top hoodie, strap on those blades and jam.


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