Fayetteville Engagement: Corie + Hunter

corie & hunter engagement

There’s so much sweetness in this engagement session by Shelby Seaber Photography. Corie Denny and Hunter Estes will tie the knot on May 18, 2018, at the Kindred North Barn — a new venue from the same folks that brought you Kindred Barn in Mulberry! We can’t wait to see the photos of their big day. 

Here’s a bit about their story in Corie’s words:

“I am beyond excited to marry Hunter Estes and love him forever. He is the most faithful leader, greatest encourager, and my best friend.

Hunter and I met my freshman year and then again my sophomore year of college. I really enjoyed being Hunter’s friend, however, I was not looking to be in a relationship. Hunter pursued me almost a full semester, asking me on dates and hanging out with me. This story makes me tear up, because to me, it is the perfect example of love and how to love someone by never giving up on them. Hunter never gave up on me. I finally agreed to go on a date December of 2015. 

Hunter proposed to me on December 31st, 2017. He brought me out to one of my favorite parks in Little Rock that looks out on the Arkansas River. He gave me a new Bible that had my new name engraved on it “Corie Estes”. I really can’t put into words how excited I am to do life and love Hunter for the rest of my life!”

corie & hunter engagement

corie & hunter engagement

corie & hunter engagement

corie & hunter engagement

corie & hunter engagement

corie & hunter engagement

corie & hunter engagement

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