We’re giving away two Bridalicious® Boot Camp DVD sets this month. Designed by celebrity trainer Doug Rice, this 90-day program is designed to help you lose up to 30 pounds before the big day. Better yet — it takes just three hours a week!
Rice founded Bridalicious® Boot Camp in Beverly Hills, Calif., in 2005 after six years of training brides-to-be exclusively. In his boot camp workouts, Rice incorporates interval training along with signature boot camp exercises for maximum weight loss and fitness results. Additionally, Rice has designed a series of exercises to target the bridal trifecta – the arms, shoulders and back – which are usually on full display in a wedding gown, according to Trainer90210.com.
Want to win? Then comment on this post with your contact information, wedding date and location. Enter only if you plan to use the program and are willing to share your progress with us via Facebook! We’ll randomly select two lucky brides-to-be (bridal vendors are not eligible to win) from the comment field and mail them their new 90-day workout plan ASAP. They’ll keep us posted on their progress and show how this program works (before-and-after pictures and feedback on how the workouts and nutrition plan). Winners’ wedding dates must be 90 days or more away from the selection date, which is July 20.
For before-and-after photos of other brides, support from other brides and the Bridalicious staff, or more information click here.