Little Rock natives Ella Thomas and Jack Rindahl are not your typical high school sweethearts. They met at a high school play audition and returned to the stage for their adorable engagement. The couple lives in New Orleans now, but they’ll return to Little Rock for their wedding on Oct. 20, 2018, on the couple’s family’s land. Meanwhile, photographer Stephanie Parsley took these amazing engagement pics to document the occasion.
Here’s the story in Ella’s words:
“Oh man, oh man, where to start? Jack and I met the day before he turned sixteen at a Catholic High School play audition. We were both offered roles in the extremely small cast of seven and were the youngest students in the production. Our fellow cast-mates loved teasing us, telling us how “cute we were together” and anything else bound to make us blush. After three months of rehearsals and shows, Jack asked me out, and I was totally shocked. I had loved spending time with him through the production process, but I never saw that one coming. Obviously one thing led to another, and we have been together ever since.
“The plays at Catholic High School are what started and maintained our relationship at such a young age. So, being the most thoughtful guy in the world, Jack planned a production of a proposal to take place back where it all began – the Catholic High Auditorium. What began as (so I believed) a favor to the set and lighting manager, ended with an on-stage proposal in front of all of our friends and family complete with the curtain call of a lifetime!”
Congrats, you two, and break a leg!
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