Editor’s Thoughts on Remarkable Stories of Love

I didn’t rush to read the “Couple Married 72 Years Dies Holding Hands” story when my colleague sent me the link. She knew I’d want to share it with ya’ll, and she was right. But my wonderful, loving, best-ever grandfather (Poppop) recently passed away on Aug. 4, and I knew reading this story (just from seeing the headline) was going to stir up some emotions that I really didn’t want to revist – at least not while I’m at work in front of co-workers.

But I’m glad I read it. It reminded me of this post about Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward’s incredible love. But more than anything, it reminded me of the enduring love my Poppop had for my grandma (Grammy). They did EVERYTHING together and he just worshiped her and spoiled her, and he just made it SO obvious to the world how much he loved her. It was a special marriage. 

I remember the day I got my wedding video back, Michael and I popped it into the DVD player and started by watching the “Guest Interviews.” The very last one was from my grandparents. Right before their clip ends, Poppop grabbed my Grammy and gave her the most passionate kiss. It was such a memorable moment captured. I will cherish it forever. Just one of many, many demonstrations of his love for her. 

Another is a little more sad. At his funeral, Poppop requested that two songs be played. One to reflect his love of Jesus and the other to reflect his love for Grammy – “The Wind Beneath My Wings.” It was a tissue-and-tear-filled three minutes while it played.

I really miss him, as I know my grandma does.

Know that I share these links and the story about my grandparents to simply warm your hearts and remind you of all the loving days you have ahead of you as you approach your wedding day and your happily ever after.

Here’s to you dying in the arms of the one you love when you’re 100-plus years old and still madly in love with each other. ๐Ÿ™‚

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