Central Arkansas Engagement: Micale + Jeff

Micale Kocke

Who needs fall foliage when you have a gorgeous pumpkin patch? Micale Kocke and Jeff Goodhart’s engagement session by ma.Designs is sure to get you in the Thanksgiving holiday mood. Pumpkin pie, anyone?

Here’s a snippet of Micale and Jeff’s love story:

“Jeff and I met in the spring of 2015 using the modern dating app known as Tinder. After two dates, I realized it wasn’t a good time in my life to start investing in a serious relationship. Jeff told me that if it ever was the right time, I should let him know. We kept communication and maintained a friendship as the summer passed. It was then I realized he was someone who’d been put in my life for a purpose. After our third date, (or second first date), where Jeff lost a bowling match bet, which meant having to talk in a British accent for two minutes, I never doubted this was the goofy person I would spend the rest of my life with. Since then we’ve never looked back.”

Micale and Jeff plan to tie the knot on Saturday, June 24, 2017 at the Junior Leage of Little Rock.

Congrats, you two! 

Micale Kocke

Micale Kocke

Micale Kocke

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