Brittney Stuckey & Mac Ledbetter: Winners of the Destination Wedding Package from Whitney Bower Imaging

We are pleased to announce that Arkansas bride and groom, Brittney Stuckey and Mac Ledbetter are the winners of the 2012 Destination Photography Package Giveaway from Whitney Bower Imaging.

The couple is getting married June 9, 2012 at Schloss Ambras Castle in Innsbruck, Austria! There ceremony will actually be held in the chapel at the castle and the reception at the The Villa Blanka.

We’re so excited for them and can’t wait to see their photos, which Whitney will be sharing with us after the wedding! They’re going to be amazing, we’re sure!

Here is Brittney and Mac’s love story, which they submitted as their entry: 

“Mac and I were destined to meet. He grew up in Monroe, Louisiana, only three hours south of Little Rock, Arkansas, where I grew up. We both considered LSU, but I attended The University of Georgia, and Mac went to Ole Miss. Ironically, in our junior year, we chose the same study abroad program in Innsbruck. Mac almost missed the deadline to apply, and I thought I was going to Australia, not Austria!

The day after a mutual friend casually introduced us, Mac and I passed each other walking to class. I got butterflies when he stopped to give me a hug and I remember thinking he was so cute! Our first weekend trip to Munich, Mac sweetly waited for me to arrive on a later train before joining our friends. After dancing and flirting all night, we had our first kiss.

We spent the next several weeks falling in love, traveling Europe, and having the time of our lives. Mac brought out the best in me that summer, leading to unimaginable adventures. Our last day in Innsbruck, we went Paragliding- flying over the Alps, with only a parachute. At dinner that night, he gave me one-half of a pair of paintings, keeping the other half, to symbolize our amazing experience together. I will never forget that moment, and now know that those were exactly Mac’s intentions.

When Mac proposed on a mountaintop in Crested Butte, Colo., I couldn’t have been happier! We always said that we would get married in Innsbruck so that our loved ones could experience such an amazing place. Mac and I share a passion for traveling and have traveled to 10 countries together. Austria is definitely our favorite! This fairytale love story is going to make for one fairytale wedding- right where it all began!”

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