Blushing Bride: Five Steps to Supple Summertime Skin

Sun’s out, guns out; right, ladies? These warm, sunny days have us itching to get poolside to soak up some vitamin D. 

Not so fast. We’ve heard way too many bridal horror stories where girls took their sunshine shenanigans just a smidge too far and paid the unfortunate price. The key to bridal beauty is confidence, but it’s hard to feel comfortable in your own skin when it’s rebelling against you.

Here are three key tips to keep your skin safe, happy and healthy in the summer months leading up to your big day. Save us a spot in the cabana!


Bring on the Screen

You know exactly what happens when you skip out on the sunscreen: You get roasted, toasted and burnt to a crisp. You can’t move without hurting, clothes are a nightmare and you turn into a human space heater IN the middle of summer. Oh, and then your skin peels off and itches for days. That’s not even taking into account all the internal and long term damage each sunburn does to your body. 

Newsflash: You’re not too cool for sunscreen. A nasty burn can even land you in the hospital. So unless you’re going for a lobster chic look, never wear anything less than SPF 15, reapply every two hours and wait 30 minutes before heading into the sun. Yes, really! Don’t skimp, either. The average adult requires about one to two ounces of sunscreen; that’s about the size of an egg, or enough to fill a shot glass. Speaking of which…


Bottoms Up!

Your body pretty much stays thirsty in the summer. Give it some love with the age old suggested amount of eight to 10 eight-ounce glasses of water spread throughout your day to help keep your skin on its A game. Guzzling it all down at once won’t magically plump up your skin, though; you are not a ficus. 

Keeping your H2O levels up is a great basis for general skin health, but make sure not to skip the daily moisturizers, even in the summer. Look for rich night creams with retinol and target those under eyes. (We know about the bags, girl. Been there.) Daily supplements will help, too. Try vitamin A to fight wrinkles, B3 for redness, K for dark circles, C for spots and E for moisture.


Take 5

There’s nothing quite as rejuvenating as the feel of sunshine on your skin. Believe us, we are right there with you. However, it’s pivotal to take breaks from those lovely, lovely rays. Remember the shadow rule: If your shadow is shorter than you are, UV levels are at their most intense. This normally happens between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. (peak sunbathing hours, we know), so that’s when you need to be hyper aware of the sun’s effects on your body.

But if you can’t bear to step inside for even just a few minutes (which you can), at least take advantage of some super cute summertime accessories. Adorable sun hats, breathable kimonos and big sunnies are on our checklist!


Perfect Your Shade

If you’re looking for that shimmering, wedding-day glow for your big day, head for the spray tan booth. While you can’t know for sure how your skin will react to sunbathing, a spray tan is a sure  (and safe!) thing. Just don’t wait until the last minute. Find your perfect shade about four months before to prevent streaky or uneven color. 

When making your final appointment, like most wedding-related factors, procrastination is the enemy. The best time to get a spray tan is two days before the wedding. We’ve all had our spray tan disasters and your wedding day is not the day for such a hazard. With just a little bit of planning, your day and your shade will be just right.


Get Moving

If you need more inspiration to lace up the crosstrainers, keep this in mind: Your skin likes to sweat. More than just an endorphin booster and cooling mechanism, sweating detoxes your body of skin-marring buildup and even helps zap stubborn zits. When you sweat, your pores open up and release the harmful toxins it was holding on to, especially in the hotter months. It may be a little gross, but it’s worth it.

Zumba anyone?


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