Betsy Manning Presents Wedding Gifts & Goodies Inspired by Personality: “Latte Lovers”

Betsy Manning, owner of Unveiled Bridal Collection in Little Rock, shows her impeccable taste with her curation of “Latte Lovers” for Arkansas Bride’s Trends.


By Invitation Only
Little Rock

Coffee grinder • espresso pitcher • canister • scoop
milk bottle • coffee brewer • Bialetti percolator

Eggshells Kitchen Co.
Little Rock

Coffee body scrub cubes
coffee mugs

Belle & Blush
Little Rock


Paul’s Donuts
North Little Rock

Betsy Manning’s career in retail started more than 18 years ago designing for a fashion label. Working with the best upscale retailers in the country piqued her love for the world of luxury retail, and a tenure at Dillard’s ignited a passion for unparalleled customer experience. That’s the mindset behind all she does for brides at Unveiled Bridal Collection.

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