The new issue of Arkansas Bride is available now at newsstands and wedding vendors (see list of locations here) and is also ready for purchase in our online store or available for free online in a digital edition.
This is my 12th issue of Arkansas Bride. I had to go back and count to keep up and got completely caught up in nostalgia, flipping back through the covers and their contents.
The number 12 surprised me actually, because it feels like I’m just getting started. The newness has never worn off.
It could be because discovering unique Arkansas weddings, curating beautiful photography, playing dress-up with models on fashion shoot week, sampling wedding sweets, creeping your Insta feeds (when you use #arbride) and making TV appearances to share ideas never seems to get old.
Or perhaps it’s because each and every issue is so different and captures different moments in time.
When we look back at the last six years’ worth of editions, we see the trends you set. We see how in the issues following your photos being featured, brides emulate your brilliance and put their own spin on things you did first—and so on and so on.
That brings us to today, to this year’s featured brides. I hope that you are inspired by the unique ideas they had and by the beauty of their décor. I hope we then see your wedding photos featured right here inside our next issue, inspiring the next generation of brides.
What power you have, brides. What exciting motivation to plan the most uniquely personal day!