Arkansas Bride: Anne-Elise Parker

Anne-Elise bridals

We love a good Little Rock bridal session, and that’s exactly what we got with Anne-Elise Parker’s bridals by Kati Mallory Photo & Design. From the steps of the state capitol to that vintage car, Anne-Elise sure knows the way to our heart. 

Anne-Elise and her husband, Brad Parker, tied the knot on March 18, 2017 at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church, with a reception following at Anne-Elise’s family home in Little Rock. 

Congrats, lovebirds!

The Details 

Anne-Elise bridals

Anne-Elise bridals

Anne-Elise bridals

Anne-Elise bridals

Anne-Elise bridals

Anne-Elise bridals

Anne-Elise bridals

Anne-Elise bridals

Anne-Elise bridals

Anne-Elise bridals

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