While I’m singing the praises of white dishes, I need to talk about white towels and how they’re the best. No really.
We made the silly decision to register for white, brown, khaki and blue towels at several stores. Somehow, we ended with four different shades of blue towels. Y’all, we should have gone with all white. We can bleach them to get the nasty moldy towel smell out, and we obviously can’t do that with the colored towels. We do the hot water/vinegar/baking soda trick with all of our towels (again, thanks Pinterest), but the moldy smell comes back pretty quickly with the colored towels. So I’m telling you- register for all white towels. You won’t regret it.
Also- let me just say that there’s no shame in registering for some decor. We didn’t register for anything of that nature. We ended up with 8 lamps- all of which we have spray painted or thrown away because they didn’t match our decor in our home. Also, we received more than 20 picture frames. Same scenario- we had to revamp them so they would work with the rest of the stuff in our house. So you know what? Go ahead and register for some home decor items at Target (my personal favorite)- it will save you time (seriously, who has time to spray paint lamps and picture frames?!), and it will help your friends out who don’t feel like buying kitchen tongs as a wedding gift.
Speaking of kitchen utensils… Aren’t my little segues fabulous?
Don’t register for every kitchen item under the sun. We made that mistake. Y’all- we have never used our kitchen blow torch. But we have one. My dream of making creme brûlée hasn’t come true, and let’s keep it real- it probably won’t. Ain’t nobody got time for that. We don’t need 30 casserole dishes- but we have them. I don’t know why I thought I would feed an army. That immersion blender I knew I would use a million times? I can count on one hand how many times I’ve pulled that thing out of the cabinet. “But Giada uses one all the time on the Food Network- so surely I will, too!” That would be a negative. I used my bundt cake pan for the first time a couple of weeks ago. See where I’m going with this? Register for things that you KNOW you will use on a regular basis. We love our Ninja blender. We are OBSESSED with our KitchenAid. Baking sheets? Buy at least 3. I’m not kidding. Invest in some awesome kitchen knives. Think practically when you and your fiancé are walking through the store with that little handy dandy registry gun.
A couple of last thoughts:
1. Register for things that cover a variety of price ranges- while it’s tempting to register for the most expensive thing in the store, think of those friends/family members who might be in a financial situation where they can’t afford a huge gift. Be considerate!
2. Try to register for the same items at different stores. We received 4 crock pots, 3 Keurig machines, and over 100 (yes, you read that correctly) drinking glasses. This gave us the freedom to return our duplicates and purchase gift cards for date nights, Christmas gifts, and other items that we might not have received at wedding showers.
Have any other questions that I didn’t cover? Feel free to shoot me an email at leslynslovelylife@gmail.com!
Happy Registering!
This blog was originally posted on Leslyn’s blog, Leslyn’s Lovely Life. Can’t get enough? Click here for more info on Leslyn, including where to find her on social media.