Venue Type
Days Available
Weekdays & Weekends
Weekdays & Weekends
Maximum Capacity
Additional comments about your pricing/cost
Packages range from $1,800-$5,000
Packages range from $1,800-$5,000
Description of Venue
Garrison Gardens is a secluded natural woodlands located just outside of Texarkana. You can visit our website at You can also see a virtual tour of the gardens on our Facebook page. The ceremony can take place at our outdoor wedding site with creeks and waterfalls or in our new wedding chapel for those preferring an indoor wedding (due to be completed by the end of 2023). We have an indoor reception hall that is surrounded by large windows overlooking the woodlands and ravines.
Garrison Gardens is a secluded natural woodlands located just outside of Texarkana. You can visit our website at You can also see a virtual tour of the gardens on our Facebook page. The ceremony can take place at our outdoor wedding site with creeks and waterfalls or in our new wedding chapel for those preferring an indoor wedding (due to be completed by the end of 2023). We have an indoor reception hall that is surrounded by large windows overlooking the woodlands and ravines.