Ashley Alexander House, The

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Venue Type
Days Available
Email for availability
Maximum Capacity
100 inside/400 outside
Venue Rental Cost
$$ ($1,001-$5,000)
Additional comments about your pricing/cost
Weekend (Fri., Sat., Sun.): $3,500. Two weekend days in a row: $5,000. Weekday: $2,500. Two-hour portrait session: $300. Hiring of a professional wedding planner is required to tour and hold events.
Description of Venue
Built in 1835 and located on a secluded 7-acre pecan orchard just outside Little Rock, The Ashley Alexander House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. While keeping all of its historic charm, it was completely updated and remodeled in 2021. This one-of-a-kind wedding and events location will provide your celebration a venue full of Southern charm and picturesque splendor.
