Fine Designing With Preston Bailey

Internationally recognized for his inspirational ideas and breathtaking creations, Preston Bailey has planned and designed events for top celebrities including Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump, Liza Minnelli and Matt Lauer. Author of two books, “Design for Entertaining” and “Fantasy Weddings,” Bailey will share his ideas for fabulous nuptials as the headlining speaker at the Designer Wedding Challenge from Sept. 29-30 in Rogers. With more than 20 years of experience, his work is admired by many and his services highly sought after by those desiring over-the-top events.

Arkansas Bride: Why did you choose to participate in the Designer Wedding Challenge?

Preston Bailey: Shante Crocket, owner and event planner for The Wedding Gallery in Rogers, listened to one of my speeches and called to ask if I would [participate in the challenge], and I said yes, absolutely. Ironically enough, after that, I received a client that booked me to do a wedding in Arkansas. It’s so funny how that happened. I’m speaking, and I also have a job there, which is great. I’m very excited about it.

AB: Currently, what are your favorite and least favorite wedding trends?

PB: My favorite wedding trend is about over-the-top creations. I love the idea of abundance and plenty. If you look at nature, you see hundreds or thousands of blossoms. To bring that in and make it plentiful and generous, to me, is a very exciting trend and a very exciting goal to follow.

AB: What do you enjoy about event designing?

PB: I just love to see people’s expressions when they see [the design]. I like to create environments that as people walk in, they’re actually in awe. I look for that moment that is just like, “Oh my God, this is so extraordinary” or so dramatic, or so beautiful.

AB: What is your favorite thing that you’ve done in a wedding or reception?

PB: We did a wedding in the country in Connecticut. The tent was on the client’s property, and I suggested that the client put a hot air balloon at the entrance. The guests couldn’t miss where the reception was. In the middle of the tent, I did a moat with a fountain in the center. Everybody sort of danced around the moat. I thought that was very unique.

AB: For brides on a limited budget, how do you suggest they add a little bit of Preston to their weddings without blowing their budget?

PB: Create one conversation piece that is so dramatic. If you can’t do it all, create something that is a statement. People will talk about it and remember it.

AB: What is one of your rules of thumb for making an event memorable?

PB: Whenever I plan and design a party, I use what I call my “15-minute timetable.” Every 15 minutes, you want to do something different or show something different or give [the guests] something different or unique, whether it’s a special drink or a lighting change. It’s almost like a show that I plan. I desire to create something that’s exciting, surprising, entertaining and delicious for the three or four hours that they are there.

AB: What’s hot now as far as chair coverings, table tops and floral decorations?

PB: Beads. I’m seeing a lot of beaded work. I’m working with this designer, actually, and he has created some amazing beaded cloth and chair coverings. They are really quite special. The detailing is really wonderful. As far as floral decorations, I’m into building architectural elements with flowers. I definitely like taller centerpieces, and I don’t like mixing tall and low. I’ve done that, and I think it makes the space look too cramped.

AB: You did the floral designing for Oprah’?s 50th-birthday bash, and she called you a “floral genius.” How do you feel about being bestowed that title?

PB: It’s a great compliment. She’s been amazing to me, and the time that I’ve worked for her, she’s allowed me to do what I want. I show her an idea and she’s very excited. She usually lets me run with it and then approves it.

AB: What advice do you have for brides as their wedding approaches?

PB: Once that day or week happens, they really need to kick back and enjoy themselves and let us do our work. I’ve seen a lot of brides that are so emotional and so involved that they don’t enjoy the wedding. I think that’s such an incredible failure. They’ve planned this for years, and when it’s happening, they’re so worried or stressed that they don’t enjoy it. My advice is to let go, enjoy your wedding and have a good time. Spend time with your girlfriends, your bridesmaids and your family. But really, just let go of it.

AB: What is one thing a bride must have at her wedding or reception, even if she’?s on a limited budget?

PB: It really depends on the bride. Some brides are like, “Oh my God, I want the most beautiful dress.” Most of them say that they want the most incredible flowers ever. Some of them say they want the food to be the main thing. I think that if you can’t afford everything, you should really concentrate on the one element that’s important to you and make sure you invest money there. In my experience, most brides want the most incredibly beautiful flowers they’ve ever seen.

AB: What is the most extravagant thing you’ve ever created or designed?

PB: I just did a wedding in the Middle East with 4,000 women. I thought it was really quite extraordinary and lush. We built different settings that didn’t exist. For three or four months, we did nothing but build the interior of it. It was really dramatic.

AB: As a designer and planner, how do you ensure that you’re giving the couple what they want?

PB: I think the relationship with a client is a very important thing. During the first meeting, I ask lots of questions:

  • What are your favorite colors?
  • Are you more comfortable with traditional or contemporary, or do you like eclectic?
  • What kinds of flowers or colors do you like/hate?
  • Who are your favorite fashion designers?

Many times, I go to their homes to get a better sense of their design point of view. You really have to be able to understand that it’s about learning how they view things and how they entertain.

I never do anything without showing my clients beforehand. I’ve learned that lesson the hard way. We have a presentation for everything that we do before the actual event. My goal is to make couples happy.

Designer Wedding Challenge is the first celebrity bridal convention in northwest Arkansas. Wedding professionals from across the country will be competing for the top design in gowns, floral arrangements, cakes and jewelry. The event will also include seminars by experts and a luncheon and reception hosted by Preston Bailey, “event planner to the stars.”

When: Sept. 29-30, 2006.

Preston’s Soiree, a bash to kick off the Designer Wedding Challenge, will be held from 8 p.m.-midnight on Sept. 29; seminars begin at 9 a.m. on Sept. 30.

Where: John Q. Hammonds Convention Center, Embassy Suites Hotel, Rogers.

To register, or for more info:

Arkansas Bride is a media sponsor of this event.

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